Langdale, black and white (framed)

Langdale, black and white (framed)


This black and white woodland scene is a carefully hand-woven tonal piece developed from original drawings of the Langdale Valley in the English Lake District. This evocative piece of contemporary fine art textiles is handmade in a sustainably chosen blend of cottons, silks and ramie fibre. The tapestry-style hanging is attached to black mount card and protected behind glass in a matt black frame. It is ready to hang straight on the wall. In the frame, it measures 86cm wide by 42cm high and is 3cm deep.

Please note the picture of the frame detail is to show the style of frame. It contains a different artwork, which is not included.

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Trethevy Quoit, autumn hand-woven bodmin moor artwork brown autumn colours

Trethevy Quoit, autumn

Langdale, blue Langdale Valley hand-woven jacquard tapestry

Langdale, blue

Trethevy Quoit, October Sperryn original artwork handwoven wall hanging red and orange

Trethevy Quoit, October

Kinabalu mount kinabalu handwoven digital tapestry


Langdale, pink (framed) lake district woodland art black frame

Langdale, pink (framed)
