Synesthesia II now live - essay & images

Woman dressed in black holds out rod in left arm. From it hangs body length woven image of golden squid on black background with blue bubble-like pattern. She looks out of picture over right shoulder. Textured light coloured wall background behind.

Photo © John Hersey

It’s not often a hand weaver of digital tapestry gets to take part in such an exciting collaborative project which investigates the ways we experience art remotely using the transcending power of words and conversations. In the linking of contemporary artists and writers for the creative project Synesthesia II, I was very lucky to be paired with writer and curator Anna Souter. Following our conversations, her essay describes my creative practice, inspirations, influences and process.

When observing my creative practice, Anna said: “ She invariably begins with drawing, often working outdoors in the Cornish landscapes surrounding her studio. Sketches of objects found on her walks are juxtaposed with pencil rubbings of surfaces from the more-than-human world.

“Through her observational way of working, Sperryn’s abstract and figurative pieces are influenced by local shapes, colours, and textures. She also uses imagery and subject matter derived from travel and research, as is evident in her series highlighting the plight of endangered creatures from around the world.”

I was thrilled with the results and I recommend you take time to read the complete essay and those for my fellow artists. They now appear in two locations. On the website you will find texts accompanied by the beautiful professional photos taken by John Hersey during a great day at my studio. On the website you can enjoy the analogue pictures I took in the studio during the project. You can find more of Anna’s work here: